Who Is The Toughest Person To Be Honest With?

Who Is The Toughest Person To Be Honest With?

Who is the toughest person to be honest with?
Yes, ourselves!
It’s much easier to look at others and apply our truth to them.
And while we normally won’t say it to their face, we will think it.
Full of judgement because they think different from us, act different from us, want different things than we want.
We don’t understand them so we make them wrong.
We are justified in our thinking because, of course, we know best. We know the right answer. We know the truth.
But do we?
Or are we scared to look in the mirror?
All those judgements, in the quiet, come right back at us.
It hurts.
It’s uncomfortable.
It stings a bit.
And it is where a new truth can emerge.
A truth saying we don’t need to hide behind a mask of perfection to be perfect.
And we don’t need to make someone else wrong for us to be right.
That we are all on the same journey through life, just each taking a different path.
And it’s easier together than separate.
It’s possible to find joy when we have the courage to seek it.
And it all starts with you.
You being honest with yourself that it’s ok to mess up … a lot, and choose to grow from it.
It’s ok to love people for just who they are, honoring their truth and choices for themselves.
It’s ok to love yourself for being exactly who you are in this moment.

PS: If you are ready to see the difference a change in perspective can make in your life. If you want to really get to know yourself and your super powers. If you want to learn how to build strong relationships based on trust. If you just want to experience more joy in your life. It’s all available. At High5 Leadership, we traveled the path first so we could support you on your journey. Email us at info@high5leadership.com and visit our website at www.high5leadership.com. Yes, there is more out there.